Year 6 World artChristmas dinner dayWhole school visit to Theatre by the Lake, KeswickYear 3 singing for local care home residentsTimes Tables Rockstars competition winnersRotary visitors present Year 3 with dictionariesGlobal Goals groupYear 6 introduce musician of the month – Aretha FranklinSchools reps meeting the Workington Mayor3B library visit‘Wear it pink’ day raised over £500 for breast cancer charity.Year 3 Forest School sessionYear 5 and 6 netball team
Year 5 & 6 visit to Curwen Park for a performance of Julius CaesarYear 6 residential visit – Manchester, Sheffield & BlackpoolYear 5 football competitionGlobal goals group carry out traffic surveyWinners! Y5&6 orienteering finals 2024.Year 5 launch musician of the month assembly for June – The BeatlesY6 visit to Leconfield Engineering Centre of ExcellenceGirls football clubYear 4 residential visitNational Numeracy Day competition winners looking at maths in the workplaceYear 4 workshop learning all about beesYear 5 and 6 orienteering leagueYear 6 present Musician of the Month Assembly – Hans ZimmerTreetops visit to MorrisonsLibrary bus visitYear 6 creating memories using clay3B assembly about Ada LovelaceYear 5 tennis with visiting coachWhole school visit from the ‘Bird Man’ showing his birds of preyThe global goals group and family plant 200 trees in our school groundsYear 6 taking part in a STEM workshopYear 6 launch ‘Musician of the month’ for March: Freddie MercuryYear 3 visit to the Roman museumYear 4 cricket with visiting coachYear 6 published writers – national contestVoice-up! Finalists 2024Lego Club3B present their Internet Safety Day assembly 2024Vicar Frankie and her pup Rumer visit AJSNSPCC Number Day 2024Year 5 & 6 cricket tournamentInternet Safety AssemblyYear 6 cricket training with visiting coachYear 3 and 4 athletics competition at Lakes CollegeYear 4 visit to the Beacon MuseumChristmas singalong for our families and communityChristmas assembly with Vicar FrankieYear 3 ‘Experience Christmas’ workshop at St John’s churchAshfield team at the Boccia festivalWhole school visit to Theatre by the LakeChristmas Fair 2023Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day1st and 2nd place in the Times Tables Rockstars competition – ‘England Rocks’Year 3 singing for local care home residentsYear 6 BikeabilityYear 3 and 4 bench ball competitionAnti-bullying week whole school assemblyBook sale held by Year 6 pupils for Children in NeedScience clubGlobal Goals – first team meeting of the school yearRotary club visit and donation of dictionaries to Year 3Whole school author visit – David OwenWhole school touring theatre company visit – Oliver production.Year 3 library visitStuart from the foodbank visited to raise awareness and collect donations.Year 3 visit to the beachBench ball afterschool clubBench ball inter-schools competitionYear 4 cricket with visiting coachYear 5 Vikings experienceYear 5 – science topic of life cycles.Year 4 science – sampling micro-organismsYears 5 & 6 netball inter-schools competition.STEM science club – operating a robot
Book fair 2023Treetops visit to Lake District Wildlife ParkOrienteering finalsYear 6 slip ‘n’ slide rewardYear 6 slip ‘n’ slide reward
Year 6 residential – Peak District & Manchester
Year 6 pupils leading a Year 4 PE lessonScience clubYear 6 residential – Peak District & Manchester
International Women’s Day, British Science Week and International School Meals Day 2023Coronation celebrationsYear 4 Residential to Hawse End 2023Year 4 Residential to Hawse End 2023Orienteering competition at CockermouthYear 6 rugby session with a local team playerYear 3 assembly to remember Stephen LawrenceYear 5 first aid sessionYear 6 published storiesLibrary bus visitCelebrating Eid with Mrs MiahEaster Experience 2023 for Year 5 at St Johns Church
Rugby coaching with a member of Workington Town Rugby TeamWhole school assembly with Rachael from the Houses of Parliament Education and Engagement Department.Age UK competition winnersOrienteering competition with other local schoolsYear 4 workshop with a local dentist.
Year 6 visit to Harrington Nature ReserveInter-schools bowling competition winners – Year 5 2023Chess club 2023Year 4 cricket with a visiting coachForensic science workshops for years 5 & 6 for British science weekYear 6 tennis with a visiting coachYear 5 at Workington bowling clubSchool council assembly about Comic Relief and Red Nose Day.U Dance Competition 2023Celebrating out of school sporting achievements
Cake sale for Forever Angels
PCSO visit to discuss anti-social behaviour and the misuse of social media for Years 5 and 6.Year 6 First Aid Training with the Red CrossChristmas Service 2023Year 4 visit to the Roman MuseumYear 4 visit to the Roman MuseumWorld Book Day 2023World Book Day 2023World Book Day 2023Fundraising day for the earthquake victims of Turkey & SyriaDodgeball competition Y5&6Multi-skills & dodgeball Y3&4Multi-skills & dodgeball Y5&6Voice-Up! FinalistsYear 4 workshop with a news reporterCumbria Primary Ski Trip 2023Safer Internet Day 2023Years 5 & 6 dodge ball competitionNSPCC Number Day 2023NSPCC Number Day 2023Years 3 & 4 bench ball competitionPirate Day at a local secondary schoolTag rugby coachingYears 5 & 6 bench ball competitionPupil book recommendationAuthor Visit – Sam CopelandGlobal Goals GroupBench Ball ClubKeyboard ClubThe Book Bus VisitChristmas Dinner DayFriends of Ashfield Halloween DiscoChristmas Jumper DayLibrary Visits – All ClassesTheatre by the Lake – The Borrowers PerformanceTheatre by the Lake – The Borrowers PerformanceThrelkeld Quarry and Mine – Year 4Year 4 VisitChristmas Shoebox AppealPCSO Visit – Road SafetyY3 Thank You Letter – Rotary ClubRotary Club – Assembly and Delivery of Dictionaries for Y3‘Lit in Colour’ Competition by Penguin Books – WinnersBikeability Year 6